Disappearing House, North Derbigny Street

Disappearing House, Rocheblave Street

Disappearing House, Benton Street

Disappearing House, Pitbulls Scavenging, Roffingnac Street

Disappearing House, Alabo Street

Disappearing Truck, Charbonnet Street

Disappearing House, Under I-10

Abandoned Ninth Ward, Praying Hands

Disappearing House, Benton Street

Abandoned Ninth Ward, Pink Teddy Bear

Wasp Nest on Sunflower Stalk

Aftermath- Remnants of creatures, homes and personal items left behind after Hurricane Katrina. Sea Creature #02

Sea Creature #12 Special thanks to Central City Artist Residence.

Sea Creature #07

Mummified #06

Sea Creature #14

Mummified Fish #33

Mummified Fish #01

Mummified #06

Disappearing House with Possum